Membership Categories (April 2023)

Approved by Wilson Centre Senior Management Committee on 13 February 2023

There are four categories of membership in the Wilson Centre (WC): WC Scientists, WC Scholars, WC Invited Members, and WC General Members.

Applications to be a Wilson Centre Scientist (Application Pathway), Scholar, or General Member require a completed application form (available on the Wilson Centre website) and a CV.  University of Toronto and/or TAHSN staff and faculty members who are applying to the Scientist or Scholar category must also arrange for a separate letter of support (see application form for details) to be provided on their behalf. 

This document does not discuss WC Learners (i.e., WC Fellows and PhD students in the Wilson Centre’s PhD Program), who are valued core members of the WC community but whose status and rules are addressed in a separate set of documents. Similarly, this document does not discuss Visiting Scholars, who are also important to the WC community but whose status and rules are addressed in a separate set of documents.

Please click here for a copy of the Wilson Centre Membership Categories PDF


WC Scientists play an integral role in advancing the academic mission of the Wilson Centre. The expectation is that Scientists will lead programs of research that advance knowledge relevant to health professions education and will contribute substantially to teaching in the Wilson Centre’s PhD Program. Scientists are expected to play an active role in advancing the academic mission of the Wilson Centre through supervision of WC Fellows, WC PhD Program teaching, regular participation in WC Fellows’ education, regular participation in WC Scientist meetings, as well as to share in the administrative responsibilities related to the functioning of the Wilson Centre. The Wilson Centre is expected to provide career mentoring and to assist in fostering and supporting the academic advancement of WC Scientists.


  • Holds a PhD in relevant discipline (or equivalent doctoral degree)

  • Holds a University of Toronto faculty appointment, with 75% self-directed time for research and research related supervision, teaching, and leadership

  • Leads a program of research that is relevant to the Wilson Centre’s mission and purpose as described in its Strategic Plan

  • Is eligible to teach and supervise within the Wilson Centre PhD program and/or would become eligible as part of their Wilson Centre appointment

  • Demonstrates actual and/or potential research collaborations with other members of the WC community


  • Continuing leadership in a sustained program of theory-driven research in Health Professions Education, with an expectation of high level of academic research productivity and impact as relevant to the standards of the health professions research community and the scientist’s home research domain (where applicable)

  • Leading (or co-leading) PhD program courses, including being willing to lead (or co-lead) core PhD program courses in rotation with other Scientists and as required by the PhD program

  • Willing to supervise Wilson Centre PhD students and/or participate on Wilson Centre PhD student thesis committees as required (and as per SGS rules).

  • Regular presence at the Wilson Centre

  • Sustained participation in Wilson Centre’s research rounds, seminars, and conferences

  • Shared participation in furthering the core work of the Wilson Centre through various forms of administration, committee work and/or leadership 

  • Annual participation in the Wilson Centre Fellows’ Seminars (if requested by the Fellows)

  • Regular participation in the Wilson Centre Scientists’ Committee meetings

  • Annual reporting of academic activities as part of the WC’s annual report

  • Acknowledgment of the support of the Wilson Centre in relevant academic presentations and publications


  • There is a pool of offices available for WC Scientists. Space will be allocated to those Scientists who want private or shared office space according to Wilson Centre priorities and UHN rules. Priority will be given to those who do not have dedicated research space elsewhere and to those who are able to commit to regular physical presence in the WC. Office allocation may be revisited as needed. See Appendix A for more details about office allocation

  • The Wilson Centre will endeavour to provide resources such as shared administrative support and space (where possible) for research assistants

  • Wilson Centre Scientists will have access to the IT/audiovisual and design resources of the Wilson Centre

  • The Wilson Centre Director will provide advocacy with the Wilson Centre Scientists’ partnering academic programs/departments for the necessary support of their academic career and research agenda, including contributing to performance reviews when required/requested

  • Wilson Centre Leadership will assist Scientists to establish ongoing mentorship and coaching relationships. These mentors/coaches may be inside or outside the Wilson Centre community

  • Scientists also have the opportunity to develop themselves as peer mentors within the Scientist community

  • Wilson Centre Scientists are part of the listserv and will be invited to all events of the Wilson Centre


There are two pathways to becoming a WC Scientist:

  1. Search Pathway: Appointments to the WC Scientist category may occur through a formal search process, generally in conjunction with a hospital and/or university partner, and consistent with identified university/hospital hiring procedures and the strategic priorities of the Wilson Centre

  2. Application Pathway: An individual who believes that they meet the criteria for being a Scientist (including having a University of Toronto Faculty Appointment and being eligible to teach and supervise within the Wilson Centre PhD program) and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof may submit an application to the WC Appointments Committee requesting appointment as a WC Scientist

See Appendix B for more details regarding application and adjudication procedures for the Application Pathway.

Click here for Wilson Centre Scientist (Application Pathway) application form


WC Scholars contribute significantly to health professions education research in conjunction with important educational, administrative, community, and/or clinical responsibilities. Some may serve as principal investigators and/or co-investigators in programs of research that advance knowledge relevant to health professions education. Others may play key roles in community organizations or as key stakeholders bringing community knowledge to the health professions education ecosystem. All are committed to the advancement of the mission and purpose of the Wilson Centre. Scholars may be based in academia and/or at health- or education-related community organizations within the greater Toronto area. Scholars play essential roles in advancing the mission of the Wilson Centre through collaborations with other WC members, participation in monthly research rounds, and attendance at WC conferences. They may be asked to assume administrative responsibilities related to the functioning of the Wilson Centre and/or teaching or mentorship responsibilities within the PhD or Fellowship program within the scope of their individual availability, commitments, and expertise. Appointments to the WC Scholar category will be made on the basis of sustained participation in work relevant to health professions education research as well as current or potential collaborations with other WC members.


  • Holds a faculty or staff appointment at the University of Toronto/Toronto Academic Health Science Network or works at a health- or education-related community organization within the greater Toronto area

  • Has one or more of:

    • an advanced degree in a field relevant to the mission and purpose of the WC;

    • a track record of research expertise related to the mission and purpose of the WC;

    • expertise based in lived experience working and/or living within the health and social care system;

    • expertise in the knowledge of the Indigenous (First Nations, Metis, and Inuit) rights holders on whose lands Canada was founded;

    • expertise relevant to health and/or education within other traditional knowledge systems

  • Has one or the other of:

    • a letter of support for their WC appointment from a supervisor or key stakeholder who can provide them with meaningful support (e.g., protected time, paid time, resources, emotional/logistical support) for WC-related activities;

    • in the absence of a letter of support from a supervisor or key stakeholder, a thoughtful explanation from the applicant of how they will be able to contribute to the WC within the constraints of their other roles and responsibilities.

  • Demonstrates actual and/or potential research collaborations with other members of the WC community.


  • Continuing engagement in advancement of knowledge about Health Professions Education as an important area of focus

  • Leading or collaborating in research that advances the Wilson Centre’s mission

  • Contributing to PhD program courses (e.g., guest lectures) when requested (if available)

  • Participation on Wilson Centre PhD student thesis committees when requested (if available and as per SGS rules)

  • Participation in Wilson Centre’s research rounds, seminars, and conferences

  • Occasional responsibility in the administration of the Wilson Centre (taking into account other leadership and administrative responsibilities)

  • Participation in the Wilson Centre Fellows’ Seminars (if requested by the Fellows)

  • Annual reporting of relevant academic activities as part of the WC’s annual report

  • Acknowledgment of the support of the Wilson Centre in relevant presentations and publications (as determined by the Scholar).


  • The Wilson Centre will endeavour to provide resources such as hoteling space for Scholars and space (where possible) for their research assistants, including internet and printer access while at the Wilson Centre

  • Wilson Centre Scholars are encouraged to collaborate with other Wilson Centre community members in all categories

  • The Wilson Centre Director will provide advocacy (when requested) with the Wilson Centre Scholars’ primary programs/departments/organizations for the necessary support of their career and research agenda

  • Wilson Centre Scholars are part of the listserv and will be invited to all events of the Wilson Centre


An individual who believes that they meet the criteria for being a Scholar and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof may submit an application to the WC Appointments Committee requesting appointment as a WC Scholar.

Appointments will be for a 3-year period, after which Scholars wishing to continue their affiliation with the Wilson Centre in this category will be asked to submit a current CV and a cover letter describing their contributions to the Wilson Centre community and their plans for continued contributions.

See Appendix B for more details regarding application and adjudication procedures.

Click here for the Wilson Centre Scholar application form


An Invited Member of the Wilson Centre is a senior academic or community leader who contributes in important ways, through their words, ideas, advocacy, and/or presence, to the Wilson Centre’s mission and purpose. A WC Invited Member may be located anywhere in the world and need not be affiliated with Toronto- based institutions such as the University of Toronto or the Toronto Academic Health Science Network.


  • Invited Members will strengthen the activities of the Wilson Centre through a reciprocal relationship whereby they and their home institutions and/or communities benefit from membership and they also benefit the Wilson Centre through, for example: providing high-level mentorship and advice to other members of the WC community; providing networking opportunities within and outside the WC community; promoting the activities of the Wilson Centre to colleagues locally, nationally and internationally


  • WC Invited Members are part of the listserv and will be invited to Wilson Centre events including research rounds, seminars, and conferences

  • WC Invited Members are able to access resources and forms of expertise available within the Wilson Centre community. The Wilson Centre will endeavour to link Invited Members and their home institutions and/or communities with resources and expertise within the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and the Toronto Academic Health Science Network where relevant and feasible

  • WC Invited Members will be welcomed with hoteling space (where possible) when visiting the Wilson Centre


Invited members can be nominated by any WC Scientist, Scholar, Fellow, or PhD student. Nominations also require a letter of support from a WC Scientist or Scholar other than the nominator.

See Appendix C for more details regarding application and adjudication procedures.


General membership is available to faculty, staff, and learners affiliated with University of Toronto, the Toronto Academic Health Science Network, or a health- or education-related community organization within the greater Toronto area who have demonstrated interest in Health Professions Education. General membership is also offered to alumni of the WC Fellowship and PhD Programs who do not otherwise hold WC membership in another category.


  • Continuing interest in advancement of knowledge about Health Professions Education

  • Participation in Wilson Centre’s research rounds, seminars, and conferences


  • WC General Members are members of the Wilson Centre community and encouraged to collaborate with other Wilson Centre community members

  • WC General members are part of the listserv and will be invited to Wilson Centre events including research rounds, seminars, and conferences


See Appendix D for more details regarding application and adjudication procedures.

Click here for the Wilson Centre General Member application form

 Appendix A: Scientist Office Allocation

There is a pool of offices available for WC Scientists. These will be allocated to those Scientists who want private or shared office space according to Wilson Centre priorities and UHN rules. Priority will be given to those who do not have dedicated research space elsewhere and to those who are able to commit to regular presence in the WC.

Any Scientist who would like to acquire private or shared office space at the Wilson Centre may request this in writing from the Director of the Wilson Centre. This request should include information about any dedicated research space they have elsewhere and a plan for regular presence at the Wilson Centre (how many days per week, on average, and how this will be accommodated in their current schedule). Office requests will be adjudicated by the Director in discussion with the Centre’s Associate Directors. This adjudication will include looking at current regular office use by Scientists who already have private or shared office space, and will take into account UHN rules about average office space use per week. Scientists who already have private or shared office space who may not have been using it regularly will be given the opportunity to present a plan for future regular presence at the Wilson Centre (how many days per week, on average, and how this will be accommodated in their current schedule) prior to any decisions being made.

Appendix B: Application Submission & Adjudication Procedures for Scientists (Application Pathway) & Scholars

An individual who believes that they meet the criteria for being a Scientist or Scholar and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof may submit an application to the Chair of the WC Appointments Committee requesting appointment in one of those categories. All applicants are encouraged to meet with the Chair of the WC Appointments Committee (as listed on the WC website) prior to submitting their application.

A complete application will consist of:

  • A completed application form (available on the WC website);

  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae;

  • For those who are faculty or staff at the University of Toronto and/or within the Toronto Academic Health Science Network, a letter of support for their WC appointment from a supervisor or key stakeholder who can provide them with meaningful support for WC-related activities;

  • For those who are NOT faculty or staff at the University of Toronto and/or within the Toronto Academic Health Science Network, EITHER a letter of support for their WC appointment from a supervisor or key stakeholder who can provide them with meaningful support for WC-related activities OR a thoughtful explanation by the applicant of how they will be able to contribute to the WC within the constraints of their other roles and responsibilities

The Wilson Centre Appointments Committee will review applications on a case-by-case basis, and will make an appropriate recommendation to the Senior Management Committee based on the criteria listed in this document. The Senior Management Committee will review the recommendation to ensure that Wilson Centre policies and practices have been appropriately followed and make a recommendation to the Wilson Centre Director on whether or not to accept the applicant for appointment.

Appendix C: Application Submission and Adjudication Procedures for Invited Members

Any WC Scientist, Scholar, Fellow, or PhD Student who believes that an individual meets the criteria for being an Invited Member and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof may submit a nomination package to the Chair of the WC Appointments Committee for appointment in that category.

A complete nomination package will consist of:

  • A letter from the WC Scientist, Scholar, Fellow, or PhD Student submitting the nomination that outlines how the nominee meets the criteria for being an Invited Member and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof;

  • An additional letter of support from a WC Scientist or Scholar;

  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae

The Wilson Centre Appointments Committee will review nominations on a case-by-case basis, and will make an appropriate recommendation to the Senior Management Committee based on the criteria listed in this document. The Senior Management Committee will review the recommendation to ensure that Wilson Centre policies and practices have been appropriately followed and make a recommendation to the Wilson Centre Director on whether or not to accept the nomination for appointment.

Appendix D: Application Submission and Adjudication Procedures for General Members

An individual who believes that they meet the criteria for being a General Member and will be able to fulfill the expectations thereof may submit an application to the Chair of the WC Appointments Committee requesting appointment in that category.

A complete application will consist of:

  • A completed application form (available on the WC website);

  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae

A delegate of the Wilson Centre Appointments Committee will review applications and make a recommendation to the Chair of the Appointments Committee on whether or not to accept the applicant for appointment.