Andrea Charise BASc MA PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Health & Society, University of Toronto Scarborough
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

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In addition to receiving recognition for her teaching and scholarship in literature (including the 2014 John Charles Polanyi Prize for Literature), Dr. Charise has almost twenty years of work experience as a medical researcher (clinical epidemiology, geriatrics). Her award-winning research is published in a wide range of peer-reviewed venues including Advances in Health Science Education, Health ExpectationsJournal of the American Geriatrics SocietyAcademic Medicine, Journal of Medical Humanities, Essays in RomanticismVictorian StudiesAge, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and English Literary History (ELH).

Her first book, The Aesthetics of Senescence: Aging, Population, and the Nineteenth-Century British Novel was published by SUNY Press in January 2020 (hardcover; paperback by University of Regina Press). Her study investigates of the impact of the 19th-century “invention” of population on broader cultural conceptualizations of older age—not only in the historical context of the nineteenth century, but in our own aging-averse moment as well. She is editor, along with Paul Crawford and Brian Brown, of the Routledge Companion to Health Humanities (450 pages, March 2020). She co-edits the recently established academic monograph series "Studies in Health Humanities" at Lehigh University Press.

She is the Principal Investigator of SCOPE: The Health Humanities Learning Lab, an arts- and humanities-based research and education initiative. SCOPE’s interdisciplinary team and research projects engage the skills traditionally associated with humanities disciplines—including close reading, oral and written communication, visual literacy, and narrative analysis—as a vital complement to conventional disciplinary approaches to health knowledge, research, and learning. She is the founding program supervisor of Canada’s first undergraduate program in Health Humanities; in April 2016 she was named “Professor of the Year” (Arts, Literature, and Language) by the UTSC student journal, The Underground, and in June 2019 she received one of three campus-wide UTSC Teaching Awards at the Assistant Professor level. In Spring 2020 she received the University of Toronto’s Early Career Teaching Award, which recognizes faculty members who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to student learning, pedagogical engagement, and teaching innovation.

Dr. Charise’s scholarship has been supported by the Connaught Foundation, The Jackman Humanities Institute, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). She is the recipient and principal investigator of a $528,000 grant (2020) to establish a Research Cluster of Scholarly Prominence at the University of Toronto Scarborough, which investigates the intersections of community-engaged arts, health, and social wellness.

Dr. Charise welcomes inquiries from students and colleagues interested in the interdisciplinary conceptualization of health and illness, especially arts- and humanities-based methods, theory, and creative practices (e.g., literature, film, visual arts). She can be found online at or on Twitter as @AndreaCharise.